The turn of the new year is a great time to check all your online profiles to make sure that they are correct and optimized. You work hard to take care of your clients, but do you know where the next one is coming from? When you are updating your professional online profiles here are a few things to think about: How do clients find you and what makes them pick you over the competition? Do you have a complete picture and plan for your online image? Are you keeping up on with Houzz, Avo, Active Rain, Linked IN, Facebook, Google Places, +Local, and Maps? Are you blogging regularly? All of these profiles contribute to Google’s sophisticated ranking in search results.
You absolutely must have the correct information in your Google Places for Business/+Local listings; if your information is not up to date or accurate on these listings you risk not being found by your potential customers.
In 2013 and continuing to 2014, you may find that your connections on Facebook are on the wane. Communities that you built are now not seeing much of your content and this may be a great time to focus on other channels. Just another reason to make sure that the rest of your professional online profiles have all of your current and up to date information. can optimize and verify your Google listings as well as help with content. Photos and virtual tours attract the right clients to your business. Call or email today to schedule a no obligation consultation.